Wednesday, December 07, 2005

History still sucks

I had trouble falling asleep last night, which is what always happens to me whenever I have a final the next day. Not that I didn’t try – it just took me two hours. In essence, I got four hours of sleep to take my history final and legal reasoning final. The history final went okay – I didn’t bomb it, but I didn’t ace it either. What really annoyed me was that the teacher didn’t test us on substantive issues in the class – most of the identification questions were things that played a very minor role in the course. I’ll probably get a B or a B+ in the class.

The legal reasoning final went pretty well. The only complaint I had at the end was that my hand hurt like hell. That’s what I get for writing for an hour and a half without a break. I can’t wait for the day that we take tests in computer labs and abolish writing completely. Like that’ll ever happen… maybe when we run out of trees.


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