Thursday, February 09, 2006

Grizzly Man

After watching Grizzly man, I have decided that all people who live in Alaska are retards. First of all, there's the actual grizzly man. He tells all the animals that he loves them repeatedly and acts as though he's playing with them. It's all a game to him. He says that he might die all the time but he doesn't ever actually consider it as reality. His pilot - talks way too long about the dumbest crap ever. His ex-girlfriend - her reaction when she gets his watch is right out of a soap opera. And why is everyone so slow? Everyone talks like they're half asleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Alaska. I'm not a retard. The Grizzly Man wasn't even from Alaska. Most everybody up here thinks he's a fantastical loser who by getting those bears used to humans hurt them more than he thought he was helping them.

I moved here from Chicago four years ago, too.

12:09 AM  

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