Saturday, December 17, 2005

Trivial and pedantic

One of my mom’s students complained that my mom was “legally” obligated to give them three hours for the final instead of two. This is because my mom was allocated the classroom in which to give the final for three hours. However, I can’t possibly think of why there is any sort of legal obligation to use up all of that time. The professor is given complete discretion as to what happens in the class. At my Legal Reasoning final, the professor didn’t let anyone start writing for the first thirty minutes. Nobody complained; it’s his discretion.

My roommate found out that he submitted a draft of his sosc paper instead of the final paper and that the final paper on his computer back at school was corrupt, so he had to rewrite the paper from the rough draft. I feel really sorry for him. I hate rewriting papers when I lose information; I’ve already done the work once, and doing it again seems pointless.


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