Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Not for the faint of heart

I am really out of shape. On Monday, I decided to go to the gym, due to urgings from my mom and a feeling that it would be really good for me. Let me tell you – not going to the gym for many months is awful. All of my muscles hurt like hell today. Still, no pain, no gain, right?

At the gym, I went to the weight room and pumped iron for a little while. This was fairly exhausting, so I decided to end my workout with a short run; ten minutes to run a mile. The first seven minutes were fine. It felt great to be running. At around the seven minute mark, I started noticing a slight cramp in my side but ignored it. At the eight minute mark, the slight cramp had grown in intensity, but I kept running. At the nine minute mark, I realized that it wasn’t a cramp, after all – it was my stomach going insane. I finished my run, sprinted to the trash can, and proceeded to vomit up my lunch. And I’m going back tomorrow. Talk about determination.


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