The eternal pothead

Sleeping two hours the night before last was a bad idea. Last night, I went to sleep at five and woke up at seven. Fourteen hours. So, I don’t really have much to say since I slept through most of the day.
Apparently a man is being charged with price gauging for charging $7 for a gallon of gas. If convicted, he will be charged $1,000. Now, let’s take the price that he paid for the gas to be $3 (it’s probably less, but whatever). He made $4 on every gallon of gas sold. In order to cover the fine, he had to sell 250 gallons. Let’s say that people were stupid and filled up at his station anyway, with an average car getting 10 gallons of gas. I fail to see how this law is at all a disincentive, considering that all he needs is 25 customers to cover the fine.
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