So I saw Star Wars last night. I got home roughly at 2:00 AM, did nothing for two hours, and then got down to writing my paper. I'm going to the library to proofread it soon, but before then I'll (hopefully) entertain you.
I have to admit it, I was getting a little bored towards the end of the movie because all the cool light saber battles stopped happening and, since I'm attracted to shiny things (and Asians), I had nothing to do but start making the movie more entertaining. It seemed like after the war was over, the Sith really didn't have that much to do.
Darth Vader's Private Diary
5/12/6000 BC Today was really exciting. First, I sat around at my really big desk and looked really menacing. Then, I walked around the ship and made fun of the clones for being test tube babies.
5/14/6000 BC I tried using one of the computers today and let me tell you, bad idea. All the buttons look the same! That and Windows 6000 BC sucks.
5/15/6000 BC We're building a Death Star! I stood around the window all day (after getting polished, of course) with Emperor Palpatine. I swear, I gave him a skin product for his birthday and he still hasn't used it. That's not the way to get the ladies.
Well, I'm off to the library. Got more Vader funnies? Post 'em.