An end?
So, I got a pretty terse text message from the girl yesterday in response to my friendly “How are you?” – “I’m good – terribly busy.” Now, it is the week before finals and I am extremely busy as well. Even still, that isn’t usually something that you say if you’re interested in hanging out with someone. I guess the logical conclusion is that I’m, to use the colorful phrase, shit out of luck. Oh well. Every end is a new beginning.
So, great news. I’ve finally broken out of my B+ funk by getting an A- on my last sosc paper! After 4 quarters, I am immensely pleased that I have finally achieved some improvement as a writer. Amusingly, the TA gave me an A, and the professor lowered it to an A-. No worries, though – I can’t even begin to describe how happy I was to get an A-. Now, I can’t get my hopes up too high; maybe this was just a crazy fluke and I had a moment of genius. But I can dream.